Eleven pupils of Shiraha Primary School in Kakamega are living in fear after being attacked by alleged ‘evil’ spirits for a second time this year. They were allegedly attacked while at school and the incident disrupted learning the whole day. It is reported that the pupils fell on the ground in what looked like an epileptic fit. They were allegedly calling out names of unknown people and pleading with them to spare them from being strangled. The school head teacher Gilbert Otaro confirmed the morning incident saying one Standard Seven pupil fainted while they were at the parade.
“It started with this girl who fainted at the parade. Before we could attend to her, some pupils also started to behave in a weird manner,” said Otaro. He said those affected screamed loudly alerting the whole village as neighbours ran to the school to witness the strange incident. “People were attracted by their screams. I have never witnessed such incident in my entire life,” he said. Otaro said they called in Administration Police (AP) to calm angry parents, who demanded answers from the school administration. Otaro added that that county education officers. He said quality assurance officers came in and accessed the situation and the school was closed to pave way for investigations.(The Standard)
“It started with this girl who fainted at the parade. Before we could attend to her, some pupils also started to behave in a weird manner,” said Otaro. He said those affected screamed loudly alerting the whole village as neighbours ran to the school to witness the strange incident. “People were attracted by their screams. I have never witnessed such incident in my entire life,” he said. Otaro said they called in Administration Police (AP) to calm angry parents, who demanded answers from the school administration. Otaro added that that county education officers. He said quality assurance officers came in and accessed the situation and the school was closed to pave way for investigations.(The Standard)
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